
Our Roots

Rock Johnson founded the I-Can Youth Foundation in 1994. His inspiration was derived from his participation in Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can Foundation, which teaches critical life skills to underserved youth, and transforms attitudes from “I Can’t” to “I-Can.” Rock believed that even more youth could be reached through their love of basketball. However, all of I-Can’s coaches/mentors still use every opportunity to teach life skills like problem-solving and decision-making as they teach fundamentals of the sport. 


I-CAN YOUTH FOUNDATION is preparing for the upcoming 2022 summer basketball exposure period. The purpose of this period is to give high school basketball players a chance to get evaluated by over 350 college basketball coaches that are constantly looking for new players for their rosters throughout the year.  This exposure period will give these players an added edge in continuing their education after high school by striving to gain a scholarship through their athletic ability.  To make this upcoming period a success, and to show your support for these student athletes, we are asking that your business collaborate with us by sponsoring our team.

We are accepting monetary, apparel, footwear, food, beverage and travel related donations that will help, support and assist in the success of I-CAN YOUTH FOUNDATION servicing the maximum number of youth.